Sunday, September 26, 2010

U2 live at the Rose Bowl

Editor's Note: For the time being, I'm going to post a few stories, pictures and videos that relate to some experiences over the last year or so, just to see how this blog works. I figure the best time to test this out is when no one is reading. That way, in the months ahead, when thousands upon thousands are flocking to this page like the salmon of Capistrano, I will have worked out all the kinks. -TS 

Left to right: Three super rich Irish guys.

Last September, I had the good fortune to attend my first U2 show, which happened to be at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena. Let's stop here and say thanks to my buddy Aaron Gallagher, who had the foresight to move back home to Boston from the West Coast just a few months prior to this show. That left me with a couple of tickets on the floor, about 20 yards from the stage. Point for AG.

Anyway, it was a perfect day for (7 hours of) tailgating on Brookside Golf Course next to the Rose Bowl, and the show was as advertised. While we grilled the afternoon away, the band performed a sound check that lasted more than an hour, so we kind of got two shows for the price of one. The Black Eyed Peas (Helloooo Fergie in boots!) opened the show, with a special appearance from Slash on "Sweet Child of Mine," which I missed because I had to run to the mens room (you heard me say we tailgated for 7 hours, right?), which is a long damn ways away when you're standing by the stage.

Yes, I really took this. Yes, my ears were ringing for 2 days. 

The performance by U2 was amazing, with a mix of old and new stuff, and some highlights I wasn't expecting. (Warning! Marginally touchy, feely moment ahead.) One of the coolest parts of the show was when the crowd sang "Stand by Me" in unison. I know. Sounds cheesy. But it was a goose-bump moment in person. Trust me. Check out the video below, which I edited together after the show. It includes the "Stand by Me" sing-along. Try not to cry, ok?

Fergie is a good dancer. Yes. Yes, she is.

Here we go

1st key to writing: find your spot. Me atop a 14er in CO.  
Alrighty then! Here we go. I've entered the blogging world. I have no idea where this will go topics-wise, but I envision using it as a tool for keeping my writing sharp and trying different ways to tell stories. We'll see what works, and much of that will be for you to decide. By "you" I mean the three people who read this thing... four if my mom signs up twice. I'll do my best to stay on top of it and post stories from my travels, experiences and encounters with oddball characters and interesting people, as well as funny stories from every day life. I've seen people with blogs and wondered why they think I'd want to know about their trip to the grocery store. So, naturally, you'd wonder what  motivated me to start a blog? Well, I've had a few friends tell me that I "need to start a blog" because I do interesting things and I'm a writer. "Need" is a strong word; actually so is "writer." At any rate, we'll see if you agree. Happy reading. Feel free to chime in. As always, I appreciate the audience.